Tuesday, April 12, 2011

RT Conference Overview - in PICTURES!

Since I had some requests to take gobs of pictures at RT 2011, I thought I might as well combine them with the conference overview!

So here it is: a slightly blurry, slightly biased and ego-centric overview of RT 2011. Enjoy!


  1. Love the shoes! Thanks for sharing the pics, looks like you had a "ball"

  2. You make a great faery! My brother-in-law has this theory -- when people go on a vacation or trip where they're taking pictures, they should always put themselves in every picture. Usually anything you're taking pictures of can be found online somewhere. What personalizes it is YOU having fun. You captured it perfectly!

  3. How fun. I hope you had a great time.

  4. YAY! Am SO going to this next year! Love the shoes and your faerie costume (and the kitty!)!

  5. Great pictures, tons of fun!

  6. hmm we should have something like this in our city.
    actually, i'm not even sure if we do.
    actually, i should probably check! x)

  7. Wow, looks like so much fun! And srsly, how are you so pretty? It's like... UNREAL. lol

  8. Awesome pictures! Looks like you had a blast!

  9. Gorgeous Faerie gown and slippers. I'm quite sure that Prim would be jealous!

  10. Okay, totally coveting those shoes :) You looked fabulous in all the pics but you certainly rocked the faerie costume. Looks like you had a great time!

  11. Cuuuute pics! Like everyone else, I love your faery outfit. You're the perfect faery type, slender and Legolas-like. The kitteh was sweet too! Thanks for sharing these photos. :)
